
Affichage des articles du mars, 2018

reaction paper 7

In The Power of Now, the author reiterates something that we have seen before, which is that our mind and our consciousness are not what makes us us , and thus that we should strive to liberate ourselves from our mind, and be a watcher instead, in order to reach enlightenment.   The author also explores the issues of pain and of the demands of the ego. Once you understand these concepts, the author claims that you can start the process of detachment and dive into the Now. What he means by this is that once you let go of those things, problems that plague us linked to past and future cease to matter, and the only thing that matters is the exact instant they you’re living. You can live with your mind and not be bothered by it. The first way to do that is to separate the mind from the concept of time, which is the main factor that pushes us to constantly relive past memories and to constantly worry about the future. Once the concept of time is disregarded, those worries cease to exist

reaction paper 6

The last part of the Happiness Advantage talks about the Rippler Effect. The author starts by showing through a story that real change needs to start with ourselves first, and the best way to do is through following the 7 principles that he has described throughout the book, not individually or by applying some of them, but by adopting them all. They are all interconnected with each other, and following each principle makes following the others even easier. He claims that following the 7 principles is the ultimate way of reaching the Happiness Advantage, after which change will start to ripple out from ourselves to the world around us. He explains this by the simple fact of human nature that pushes us to mimic what we observe. He gives the example of a study, in which people were paired together with one given the instruction to smile at the other, and the latter was instructed to keep a neutral face. The result of that was that people overwhelmingly returned the smiles, no matter w