Reaction Paper 2
At the beginning of this third part, the author evokes the idea of fear and how it affects our lives and our perceptions of what is around us. For people who have fear, change is very frightening. You would prefer having the semblance of control in order to feel safe, which is not compatible with change. But change is inevitable and is an undeniable constant, and having this fear of change means that you would live through life with constant fear. Instead of trying to avoid fear, or anxiety about certain specific matters, it needs to be addressed. We have to accept that there is nothing that we can control, and that everything we have and everything we see is external, meaning it is never a fixed state, and that there is nothing in life that we can count on always being there. If we do not realize this, our daily lives and every experience we have will be tainted by this constant fear of “losing control”, which is irrational because we never truly have control over anything. Instead ...